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Story about Jean Paul Baptiste - Introduction

Update: March 30, 2018

Hello Sister, Brother..Grandmothers and Grandfathers...

I am from Little Pine First Nation, Located just North of Cutknife, Saskatchewan, Canada. Cree lineage who grew up in Edmonton, we would go to Sweet grass and visit relations…this is when I was younger I went back to find my dad in Little Pine. I stayed with my Auntie and made friends quickly…at the age of 15. Traveling back in fourth…via hitch hiking. I was never stuck.

Life was lonely and cruel, not much understanding why people did what they did and it always bothered me. Growing up in this matter, I always noticed my attitude, at times I never thought about it. But the fact was there…I was alone. HOWEVER, it changed.

One day in the spring of 2016, after dealing with a separation and loss of my family. I felt alone…my heavy heart was the only thing I had. Then after finding only references to my loneliness…..sitting in my room in Edmonton. I was telling myself, “I been alone all of my life..." Then it happened. My heart spoke to me and said, “You were never alone…I was always with you!” My heart just opened up (explosion of love).....right then and there. Tears rolled down my cheeks…as I was getting flashes of memories of never being alone. I was weeping…thinking “How can I been so wrong all this time.” The tears were of Joy…because I found my heart. The next moments, all the answers came to me. Soon after, my love affair with my heart started in earnest. Reaching my heart, it was the answer for so many problems which we as natives face and even everyone on earth run into. We are using the mind and call it power, yet we can look around and see this system is not working.

I wanted to share this feeling of being so connected with myself…and how it related to everything else. It was a connection of the heart and how it connects us to everything. Guides, angels…my higher self…source came to me…spoke…showed me many things. Including what I must do…but my understanding of the process was in stages, barriers, surrounded by lessons and acceptance.

You see…all the spiritual moments which have occurred to me over my lifetime…finally made sense. My gifts…my will came to me…slowly and gently. My main connect was with the grandmothers and grandfathers…who often showed me many references…as I type this now. I understand these references were not only intended for me…but for YOU. They also said,“Share your life story…so people will reach their hearts too” this is relates to social media.

When I was awakening, One day I was in the living room…then next moment I was above the earth…the backdrop was the stars. I was sitting with a group…and the SUN…they spoke to me. This group is the council of 12 and the SUN. I call it the sun because to my right…she covered the whole side of it. She spoke loving words to me…and explained how our way of reaching high consciousness levels but it would follow a descending of such awareness…over and over again like a wave. She even showed me A sine wave (An “S” laying down)...however it stopped at the top of it. She also explained that this was the last time for such awakening. Here they explained me.

The purpose is to bring the new earth..everyone will have their duty with the other beings, she (fire bird) will bring this huge energy stream to earth and split her into two earths…one will go Left ( our 3D world now) and one will go right (our new earth) however time is limited. If you carry your low vibration when this occurs…you will be in the 3D realm. This message is not intended for FEAR…because it’s not about fear…it’s about clearing this great Karma that holds us back…and when I mean us…I mean the whole universe. Yes it’s that deep and just as important. Lastly we do have all the time in the world sort to speak, the waves of love which are changing us right now. People are feeling them, if you can't feel should drop whatever is holding you back and ask yourself why and change it!! Use discernment.....and always.


I have found many heart connections over time, since I have awoken, today I live in Florida and my mission will no doubt lead me west. I had many visions about such adventures, and even seen the tough ones which was set before me as I try to stay loyal to my heart. Great people I remembered long ago came forth, sometimes they were corrupted by lifetimes of their own lessons. However I am still here, following my path…writing my incredible stories which actually happened. I am a master healer, a shaman, a humble man…..however I am more. I enjoy healing and I am not bad at it, many people don’t understand my many modalities of the heart. I heal the lands and the people who occupy such expressions. One can’t just heal the people…the healers have to heal both…when I do my healing work, I customize their healing using my seeing to see their multidimensional self. Removing the blocks with my Will. They live in many places all at once, and yet their fractals are often lost in another timeline. Here, I look for them in the hearts, because that’s where they are…we are co-creating our reality. My goal is to find your blocks and make the energies flow naturally, then I start to look for your fractal which lived long time ago. Using my heart, I raise up your frequency to match your expression of your great love you had long you too can remember and yes, so I can merge is is a rule. If's like fitting a watermelon into a peanut. lol... I then insert them into your body, in the here and now, so this love you had long ago can be shared now…with everyone. This is part of ascension and I have many contracts for such work here on earth. I am not alone, I have met similar people whom are heart orientated and have gifts as well. You will see me in the future as one who still does this work but on a mass scale. Some of my intentions are building healing lodges back home and teaching how to heal…firstly, one has to restore our healers. I teach by doing, it’s very simple. How I heal is I use my heart to remove the heaviness…3D expressions around the heart. They CAN NOT be in it…it’s impossible..the heart is and will always be sacred. I have many guides, ancestors who walk with me, guide me. The Grandmothers and grandfathers are with me as well…they are from the Past, Present and yes…. Future. Time is not what you think it is.

I want to personal thank everyone who I connected to and healed, when I heal…I heal my family, my lands, and me…plus all of my connections. If you need anything, please send me a message. ❤️

Turtle Talk with Jean Paul Baptiste with Host Pattie Walkinturtle 26th June 2017 - Interview explains some of his past lives and other information. High Vibration and a great show!! feel free to listen.

Much Love,

Jean Paul

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