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The Anomaly

In July 17, 2016, I was dreaming, as I was looking at a beautiful day in a vision. The sun was out, I felt the connection with everything. My purpose was known to me on many levels. I was looking at this tree, and seen this man sitting on a bench, the branches was just above him, moving in the wind. However as I was viewing this moment. A voice said.’ There is The Anomaly...” as it was trying to figure out who I it labelled me as such. This person was me, sitting on the bench, as it was looking at me from the top of the tree, I was just enjoying the day. Another one was watching me, therefor I was viewing the viewer watching me. This consciousness was the System of dominance and I was getting answers from my seeing. unbeknownst to me, I left to head downtown on the bus for an appointment and was quite early. So I decided to get off the bus sooner. As i was traveling on the bus stopped to drop off passengers by this flower shop on Jasper Ave Downtown Edmonton, the bus stopped. I seen these flowers, one of the flowers turned to me and smiled, all the flowers were alive. I seen the sun’s loving energies catching the pellets off the Flower as it was bathing in this beautiful day. I was in awe and I thought, I will walk along the park, so I got off the bus early. As I seen a park close by, I walked over and remembered the day, my vision that same night. I remembered what the system said to me, but it was such a beautiful day, I decided to change scene I saw, and sat beside the tree and bench. As in the photo of this story....what was taken the day after.

Natives long ago where called, “Anomaly” as they are showing me, the ones who walk with me. They were often pointed out the truth, even long ago. When we have a system which fails us on so many levels, it does not work. Star beings where connected to such people in different tribes, they too where called “Anomalies”. They are people who point out certain systems or beliefs which do not work, yet they exist here. They also have gifts to change the system, all you need is to reach your own heart and change yourself into the “Anomaly” which you are, deep within. I send you love and understandings...

Notes from Jean Paul Baptiste

Copy Right 2018

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